Wednesday, September 24, 2008

丸の内 Cow Parade 2008

What are you to do when you have a day off from work, Autumnal Equinox holiday? Well if in Tokyo is kind of easy. Watch the Cow Parade! If you like have a name that rhymes with ko (swedish for cow) what better way to spend a day off from work than some cow-spotting. U can do it on your own, but it is much more fun if you can share it with friends. There are some 70 life size cows spread out around a few blocks in central Tokyo, only managed to see half of them yesterday. (expect cow parade part II) So far the winner is "Elmo the cow".

Sunday, September 7, 2008

A drink in totsuka !

What do you do if you don't have any family to hang out with on the weekends? Borrow one! This is the second time this summer I have had a really nice time in totsuka, dinner + karaoke and then a lazy day with the furry ones. OK so the dogs are a little crazy but once they relax they are cozy to be around.

Friends makes life fair!