Saturday, August 22, 2009

Crayfish :)

Traditional party in Arlov
Snaps n shellfish :)
Funny hats and silly singing
Fuzzy picture but this is a fuzzy type of party

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Back home after a WET day

Brilliant but WET day today. Started with late breakfast! You sleep great in a tent :)
Then off to Trollstigen
A beautiful road scaling the mountain, marvelous! And at same time a tourist trap. After that we decided to walk up the towards the clouds, first hour was fine then the rain came back w full force :) WET WET WET

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


We had heavy rain all night and since it did not ease up this morning, we had to some re-planning.
First I woke them up when the breakfast was ready, served in bed since the rain refused to let go.
Then instead of walking to the top of trollveggen we decided to take the car and look at atlantevejen (google that). A beautiful set bridges connecting some of the last islands. Amazing! The atlantic on one side fjords and magnificent mountains on the other. This place is really the perfect mix, mountains and ocean. Driving around is magic, outside pristine beauty, in the car the teenagers play heavy metal as loud as they are allowed :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Thunder in the valley

Imagine the sound!
Our tent is in a small valley, maybe 1 km across, with atleast 1000 m high cliffs on both sides.
Thankfully we have a good tent :) and toys...

Trollveggen :)

Done the basics after we arrived. It is humbling to have a 1000 meter cliff just outside the tent. Found this spot 5 minutes walk from where we sleep. A big rock in the white water perfect view of the cloud crowned mountains. :) love it. Breakfast here tomorrow!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Arrived at trollvaggen

After 4 hours meandering on a narrow road along n above a beautiful valley, we arrived!
Tent fixed first!
Then the big question!
Real coffe camping ?

The answer is YES!

Happy Campers!

Ok, should start to admit, we are not really camping yet. After a long drive through Norway we have reached Lillehammer and found a motel to spend the night. More tomorrow! Maybe even a tent picture :)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Lovely summer morning

Weather have been great lately. Real summer in Lund. Only one drawback - it's a workday :(
On the bright side, next week will a camping week in norway.